What good does it do to label heartbreak over separation as grieving? And is it really grieving?
Read MoreDivorce — short or long, hard or easy — is only a phase in life. Minimizing damages and making better decisions can make a significant difference on the future of everyone involved. In turbulent times it is easy to lose orientation. Having an unbiased coach by your side who has only your interest in mind will help navigate upcoming challenges.
Times of transitions are demanding for everyone, be it a teenager, a young adult or finding yourself in the years of change at a later age. Life can become complicated and confusing as if your path feels like a labyrinth. Finding the way out is easier when we know where we want to go. Students and/or under 18’s feel free to ask for a discount!
When you need that extra kick, Quick Fix is for you. A series of 5 fixed appointments to define goals, to recognize, target and eliminate obstacles,and to draw up a plan. Working with a coach will help you gain new perspectives, explore innovative, creative ideas, and grow awareness and accountability.